
Spring Texture Hunt | Mama Papa Bubba 

 I'm so glad to go outside and feel the warm sunshine on my face!  Going outside is still something we can all do and we will all benefit from, physically and mentally.  It's maybe time for the kids to head outside and get some fresh air!

Here is a great website that has a free printable Spring Scavenger Hunt, along with a link to a cool CBC kids show (aimed at younger children) called Scout and the Gumboots Kids 

Here's a Nature Scavenger Hunt aimed more at older kids.  Get outside and have some fun!

If you prefer indoor activities, try Great Spring Activities!

Here's a fabulous idea for kids to make in preparation for Easter.  Because it involves grass or wheat growing, it's a good idea to get this Easter Resurrection Garden growing now!  I did this with my children when they were younger and it was a really positive experience for all of us.  If you don't have access to grass or wheat seeds, we have also used moss we found on our yard.


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